Friday, January 16, 2009

the ironic post

There is just this one guy who is getting on my nerves lately.I didn't really had much of a good impression before and yet all these actions are just making things worse.But i got to say i NEVER hate him.Maybe because he doesn't concern me or i don't find him worthy enough for me to care so much.I tried to improve my impression of him since he is one of my pal's mate.Seriously.But it just isn't getting better.Well,now then i know how arrogant and nosy a male can get..It's okay if you arrogant if you are really that good.but the think is.maybe you just ain' are just another regular person on the street.if i really really gotta choose,i think i will be anti-you.rather than anti-poly.cos there are many nice people in polys.

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