Thursday, January 15, 2009

a big THANK YOU <3

thank you all the peeps that just care so much about me..

thankyou dad&mum<3 for always being there to catch me before i fall(not literally of they cant do it literally..)and always wanting the best for me and giving me the best.really grateful.

thankyou kokieclan<3 for always cheering and supporting me in what ever i did,am doing and will be doing.really appreciate it.

thankyou san&man<3 for being there for me whenever i need someone to listen or a shoulder to lean on.i know that you will always be there for me.although i have not been the best of me, you still continued to stand by me,through rain and thunder.i really hope that i can continue to walk down this long and winding road with you.but no matter where we might end up in,i will still be in you heart,ya? guys are the BEST!

thankyou linatay<3 for just being who you are and always laughing like a kiddo at my super la-me jokes:) love you to the apple core!

thankyou THAT/THIS clique five<3 for forging unforgettable memories ,non-stop laughters and tolerating my noisy nature.(bet xm will be thinking,"glad you know that",always believing and insisting that her voice is actually at min. vol. well, that's what makes her so special isn't it?hahas.just jk nia wors.dun "au bin" when i c u nxt tym wors.)love you all the same,xm- the silent bloghopper xD

thankyou yapdada tudi<3 for being there for me no matter what happens,at any point in were there at my most hopeless and helpless showed me the true meaning of friendship and faithfulness.<3

thankyou fish<3 for befriending me for the past 10 years without fail.despite my weird behaviour and character that always comes together, you stillheld me close to your heart.Forgiving and forgetting all my wrongs.i know how difficult it is to hang out with such an abnormal creature like me.your commendable deed earned you a ROUND of applause!

thankyou twopeacezerosix<3 i don't know why but i really enjoyed that 2 amazing years we spent together.maybe that unbreakable bond or that accompany?well without each n every peacie, we wld not hv e twopeacezerosix we had back then.although it is considered our past now n time cant be turned back,i will still rely on these memories to cheer me up when i am down.i will never turn my back on any peacie de wors.also gotta thank brenda who brought us all together!twopeacezerosixforever!!!

and of cos...whoever i still owe thankyous out there.. THANK YOU!!

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