Tuesday, January 13, 2009

release of O levels results


i was in a dreamy mode for e first half of e day.bcos today's the release of olevels results.exclamationmarkmultiply100.
yupps.rents was on leave today cos of me!!!so touched.went temple to pray for results in e morn.
den had brunch dere.n i spotted david gan at e temple.lol.
anw.den went "parsamalam"shoppin for cny deco.den it was tym to go pick sissy frm sch.had choc icecream.lol.den went home to chnge into sch u!!!
den headed to sch.reached sch on e dot.wateva.etc.
den had results.so happy for jireh for breakin sch record n doin 4love PROUD!!!top 4 all lovelies!!!BANZAI!hahas.so happy.
the waiting was such a horrible sensation.why does my name start with "R"?!?!
hahas.anw was quite happy wif my results thou:D 3 distinctions n improved my cheena by 1 mk.so i didnt wasted my kaching! :Dbut my bloody combined humanities jus slapped me tightly in the face.sickening.its as if there's a 'combinedhumanities' hatred in my blood.well.i cant do anythin.i can go JC!!yip yip!

really hope everyone are happy with their results!>:D even if you are not...jus smile:)
okay?alll the best in your future endeavours,my kcp mates of 08!


anw.tp is memorable n i cant forget e "xiao niang re"exposing of forehead.
hahas.lesbian fantasies~*

CIAO.....kokie loves her supportive kokie clan n of cos her lovely fwens

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