Monday, March 23, 2009

23rd march

today was a pretty lucky day for me.was it becoase of karin's gd luck charm?well it was really sweet for her to us each a pretty godd luck charm.she shld seriously go and sell it.hahas.i am fortunate to have a cousin like her:) all smiles.

well it is a lucky day cos...i manage to focus more during classes. i ended up not having trg due to JC2 block test. i managed to pass my econs test even though i thought i'd fail. and i think a few other minor things.hahas. allthough i was gloomy all day becos i thought i got trg.but after i knew it.i was ultra HAPPY!!i just suddenly turned mad.and i only got trg on fri this wk.JOY TO THE WORLD!

i think the good luck charm is workin,alrite.

a brief recap of what happened during the past few days.went to celebrate my bday on sat nite.steamboat dinner at beach rd with dad side:))) had a bday cupcake frm aunt may.which i tried my best to protect it.but nevertheless i squashed it today at usual.but i am gonna eat it even if it looks gross.cos its her HEART.anw.den had sunday brunch at YCK stadium's sakura.whoa.2 consecutive buffets and i wonder y i've got blubber.anw.den had a heart to heart tok with ZH.evrything was zip reveals!anw e brunch was with mum n dad n sissy of cos.den godma,godpa,karin,kirby,er yi,ziyu n zihui.

yepps n thit i was goin to fall sick ytd nite.was prayin tt i can SKIP sch today.but to no avail...blame my healthy body.i recovered.bloody hell. ;X anw.

i AM feeling much better today.n i am half suspecting the cause of depression is due to trg.anw thx sandy for being so caring n thoughtful.

gonna meet KXM after sch tml n after her wk update each other,collect my pressies.teeheehee..yays! :))

time check:1 hour 35 mins to being SEVENTEEN.

i am soo not looking forward to this.i dunwannagrowup

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