Thursday, March 12, 2009


this is really contradicting post.cos its a HAPPY post.hahas.the previous post was just for me to exert my unhappiness.not gonna keep it bottled's bad for me.HURRAYS!this weeeeek was pretty cool.cos pretty slack.had another mini econs test again.and i think i will FAIL IT WITH FALLING DULL COLOURS again.sian-ji-puah?anw.was pretty sianz on mon cos besides endin late,hvin a econs MINI test,i had training.but to my amazement,it was pretty slack.JOY TO THE WORLD.MUM N DAD FETCHED ME FRM SCH AFTER TRAININ:D had cold n miserable popiah for dinner.eeek.

after mon was tues:) ended sch at 12.10.THE LORD IS COME! rejoice of e a lvl results.apparently our sch did pretty well,better den e previous had half day!BE JEALOUS PEOPLE,PLEASE.unfortunately for white hair and tree,they who were so keen in going ocip had no half day for them...AWWW.n PON-ed TREE SHAT TING & buddy DORIS skipped runnnin 4 rounds round the track.and i grew 2 cm!!!yays!but INNOCENT and WHITE HAIR went to run.eeyer.anw.aftrer sch stayed bk a lil while to rush ASS-HO's w/s.KNS.went back home n had a lovely lunch.and caught a lame and a cool tv was the new adventures of robin hood.WHICH IS EXTREMELY FARNIE!reminded me of my monty python days.i dont really understand why it is NEW adventures when it was filmed in 1999 like 10 years ago?!?! lol.seriously.

wed was pretty cool too.except for the chem lecture was still alrite la huh. i mean we finally got a coach but she was to only coach those who will be participating in the comp coming WE the inexperienced was pretty slack.had some fun time with sara,nan and... heh heh,forgot her name.i mean indian names are jus so difficult to rmb.ITS NOT MY FAULT!and actually they are pretty cool.thumbs-up.they are FUN:) yays. wed's trainin ended 30 mins earlier den usual trainings and besides,it made me WANT to train.but i wanna do at my own pace la... hahas.but nxt wk trainin 1-3-5.and in e end had dinner with dad n mum n bex at our usual thomson noodle.had "guo tiao mian laksa"hahas.okay can laugh at my weird combination of noodles.seriously,i am payin for that bowl noodles!so i got to have the choice of noodles i want okay.okay.mayb not ME who's paying but.mum's money = RACHEL KOK'S money.

thurs.which is today..had fun agn with WHITE HAIR INNOCENT TREE N SHATTING.hahas.lyk duh.lyk everyday?haha.brought my便当 bread frm sweet secrets ytd nite at noodle plc.yepps.INNOCENT'S my lunchbox mate:)))hahas.throw face den throw face tgt mah hor.finally found someone who i can 便当with.yays!LET EARTH RECIEVE HER KING!!anw ended sch pretty well:) got HIGH! thx to the TREE!! but WHITE HAIR emo-ed at our usual bench:( oh and INNOCENT said WALAO indirectly.request one and two rocks.and WHITE HAIR gave me changeling in my thumbdrive new show to watch.yays.

cant wait for the weekends to arrive.cant wait for the holidays to come.

cant wait for tomorrow cos we are all gonna hv half day of lessons again!!!for CVD excited.cant wait!but mon got math test.and mxt wk got chinese test on BEES.wth.and we hv a chinese SPEECH.that is the reason why i need taybengsam's baozhangbaodao notes.but its okay la.i still got the books for reference:)

anw.if u can come yj,come tis sat.


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