Saturday, March 7, 2009

oh & btw just to update the pe i missed was like so wasted cos they didnt do pe.they took height and weight nia.and they showed the camp video.i didnt get to watch it!oh man!n mr tan finished the topic on binomial in ONE DAY.this is jus bullsht!thnk god he is jus sub tcher.anw.ya.den had en interesting experience with my ear.hahas.smileys!hmms.and after the day i was abs,suddenly turned close with my SG mates!hv kinda clique over night.pretty cool.hahas.lalalas.true clolurs emerged.i can finally be more of myself:)) and all thnk to sherman LIM! now zhiqian is tokin abt culinary club!god god GOD.and realized that theresa is actually geraldine's close sec sch fren.hahas.okay.

really hope you will turn up on saturday..

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