Monday, March 2, 2009


back from my bintan bonding camp.
that has a very funny motto which says..
You're Just Conquerors.
i think maybe i'm the only one who finds it funny.hahas.
its like so stupid and lame.not cool at all.
anw.gonna post on the camp first:) overall.. IT WAS GREATT!!
rin ,rmb him peeps?!?hahas.anw he was our camp-in-charge.
this is like my third camp with him.
was really elated when i saw him in yj cpds:DD
suddenly missed kcp alot.
anw.our class was splited.which is vry saddening.cos the camp was a BONDING camp.shld i like emphasize again? BONDING CAMP.
i think it was just stupid to split us up.and WHY issit OUR class?!?!
anw.well in a way it was gd as it allowed e 7 of us to bond more then as a class again.i mean cos we were seperated it made us have a stronger longing for oour class.hahas.smth like that. are some pix.infact.i shouldnt say SOME.cos apparently i took like...A LOT? hahas.maybe cos my instincts told me that "lina will not be ard to hlp u take any fotos anymore."so poor rachel kok had to do it herself.afraid that she wld regret not capturing these memories in the future.anyway.HERE ARE THE MANY PICS.







hahas.front row seats are for VIPS like MUA!
sian..climb mountain.sian.

yilin and theresa meal-ing<3

If only i can chop off these heads and replace them with my classmates'.
except the heads of the seven fairies. intro on the was supposed to be the 7 XIAN NUs.hahas.linying's idea.hahas.

take 1

take 2

conquered gunung bintan like finally?after much support from my classmates.cos i was not that know.sigh sigh.was really steep all the way up hill.and the ppl infront just kept moving and not stopping at all.but the ppl behind us was more of those like me and kept askin for stops.which is a good thing:)) hahas.anw e 7 fairies pushed me on.thank you so much ppl!!!heart you manys.and surprisingly 5 of the seven fairies dunno tt the water bag thingy existed.hahas.seriously.they were like so fascinated.and cos i only used for the climb,they kept askin why never use the water bag for the folowing days.hahas.

that joker indonesian guide kept pluckin leaves and sticking them into our funny.and whipped us with stick on our butts.a lil bian tai la.
but..not like we will meet again.hahas.

sorry.pls twist ur head.

7 fairies and the joker guide:)
they can wear slippers and climb.
say that its AMAZING.

our bus!!!
the 7fairies felt like leeches leeching onto any class that we could stick to.
but all we wanted to do was to reunite with 112.

at the end of our gunung bintan the exit.weehees.

the drink stall right outside the exit.apparently they were up-ping their prices.

on our way back t o campsite to pitch our tents.which is in a cool is that.tentage in resorts.beach resorts!spot the gloves.
glad i wore them sia.considering how much we needed our hands to assist ourselves in climbing.g-o-o-d-j-o-b gd job job my lovely hands :)

the tallest among the 7 fairies,our 1.7m nanthinii hot babe was the lamp of the camp.hahas.leading us through the darkness:)
reunited with 112 in e nite.yippees:)and pitched tents agn.cos we switched to wave 2.but me , nan, felicia and yilin made a great team!we set up like 3-4 tents in the darl tgt.really a great team man!and cld tell tt all 4 of us had a really great time pitching up tents.hahas.great bonding time eh?hahas.

1st night.waitin to use the toilet after bath.
tokin abt was SUCKY.its worst den kota tinggi.but i kinda liked e kota tinggi one.this one oso got common bathrm.but the diff between this and the kota tinggi is...this common showerin area no doors.and the walls are just canvas.isnt it like so super FUN?!?at night no lights.its oso open cubicle showers.the whole toilet was temporary one.specially made for us.after we're gone'the toilet will oso be gone.


apparently it was all-in-one.we did everything dere.reunited with 112!!!JOY TO THE WORLD!

on the bus and flooded with safety jackets!!the one in shades was our trainer.but she didnt really partcipate with us.i dunno why.she just kinda guided us.and half of the activities we had for the entire camp was done w/o her.wonder if its the same for the rest of the classes.

n i'm really glad that i strted to open up and really show MY TRUE COLOURS at last.hahas.miss the hyper and over-energised rachel ,my darlings?

front of the bus.

vicknesh and linying.charcoal-ed cheeks.hope u can spot the smudge.

had alot of funny stuff n jokes abt vicknesh's tan.hahas.which he played along too.anw.the villagers were really nice.and we got to see and start to appreciate the life we hv in singapore.we took a sampan out and then sumwhere deep inside to plant the baby was on the baoat rides that i got my terrible sunburns!!!everybody KENA lo.we really went into the swamp and reforested.we dug the mud ppl.with our BEAR was a really interesting and fun session.very very meaningful and memorable.5 stars!i think the idea is really first everyone was really horrified my the "cleanliness" but kids like 11 yrs old hlped to row the sampan and even went into the water and dragged the sampan for us when the motor stopped.there was about at least AT LEAST 15 on the boat.really.vry admirable.the animals there were vry skinny and felt so sry.and...

the doggies meddling with out packet lunches!!!
eat DOGS eat!
we didnt get to hlp paint the houses thou.we witness a villager climbing up the tall coconut trees to collect coconuts and the coconuts fell iwth a great thud which caused us to shudder.and the coconuts bounced like 3 times den rolled.gosh.the man climbed like some cavemen.and his expression was scary.saw the vilagers mending their sampans and the kids playin onthe sampans.they were really cute and happy n excited when they saw us.hahas.
was glad i borught wet wipes thinking,rachel!

managed to take this picture where yanni fell frm her seat.cos she was napping!hahas.many ppl napped.
the sad thing is that i din manage to take any mangroves pix.cos didnt bring fone to the swamp:(

our wave representative and dragon boating trainer.

headed bk to the campsite.den had dragonboating.lucky for us we had all the water games all on one day.den we can all just throw our dirty shoes rite away:) hahas. DRAGON BOATING WAS AB-AB-AB-ABSOLUTELY FUN!!! we get to go in the water when we row out into the sea and have sum forfeits and games and jokes etc in the water.althou linying,felicia and hafiiz did sampan instead cos not enuff space.they joined us for sum splashin and some games that was truly memorable.!!!seriously.imagine my seirous face.and there was also where i got my HORRIBLE sunburns that burnt for the nxt few days.and that caused me to be like the RED-FACE in camp.mine was alot more jialat den most ppl.watever man.watever.hahas.TANNEST IN MY LIFE.
after tt we bathed and b4 dinner we went to the shelter area and learned how to play chop chilli chop.and that was like 112 's trademark frm de non.hahas.anirban rawks in chop chilli chop.IT WAS SERIOUSLY VERY VERY FARNIE!!!
den dinner.not bad la.
oh n i got light sticks for every night:)woohoo
day2 nite had the grp nite walk.which was NTH compared to kota tinggi one.this walk was in the fun can it get man.seriously.not fun at all.but the sky was was flooded with stars.but sadly ckdnt take foto.sigh sigh.
after the walk had a talk by mr sara.and like wat e seniors said,he really is long-winded.all was like crap.he said things that we already know.but apparently he is a really nice guy.just that naggy part.hahas.and the talk was 1 hr plus.gosh.on the sand.and super tired.
one thing interesting was that the resort blasts firewks EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!
sandy and mandy!!!! heh heh jealous!
no dragon boating pictures too:( but the water was super clear and shallow cos the tide was strtin to recede in the aftn.really cool.cos pretty far out but still shallow.knee-height nia.
had team building games such as revolution,telematch,captain's on e deck,e human machines,etc.
after tt had lunch den after tt we took e 700 persons photo which burnt we FURTHER.cos previously forehead wasnt burnt.but after tt.forehead vry jialat.n was vry hot la.
den ltr tey called out names to tell us which wave we were frm.den when i went to chck my particulars at wave 2,which is coincidentally rin's counter,he rocognised me!hahas.lalalas.third camp ok!third camp.
den we had e amazing race which was also VERY fun for us.we scored extrapoints for 2 of them was lyk e highest ws 38pts.we broke e record with 55 pts.hahas.cos we kept askin for more water.hahas.den after tt we threw e trainer in charge at tt station into e pool.hahahas.den another maths station we were the fastest class to finish!hahas.112!!!


REALLY COOL.KAKOII!!!seriously.since when there will be a camp that has barbequed dinner specially for you.besides.the hotel ppl was barbequeing on the spot.dinner was really great.dere was hot dogs, prawns,otahs,corn,potato,satay,kangkong and chicken wing.woohoos.

check out my knees is RED!

our class guys kept goin to take more and more fd.mountain high plates of hotdogs,chicken wings,prawns,satays, and hotdogs agn,etc.hahas.we nearly got seperated during the dinner agn.luckily we pleaded with the was fun too.cos choonkiat was telling us sum childhood story of his.he loved fishballs when he wa syoung so there was once he ate A LOT.den he shitted fishballs out.and the best part is that he counted how many fishballs dere were.hahas.den ltr tey were saying who will sht hotdogs or chicken wings out.den the guys had a whole bag of potatoes tt tey intend to eat in the ferry.hahas.but in e end yi peng brought all the potatoes back.hahahahas.

YILIN AND ME:D AFTER DINNER.she ate until vry xinku.she kept gorging n gorging.&was pretty weak at tt point in time.

so rachel?but this time round,it was yilin's idea.hahahs.WALA!

blame my sucky laggy fone.

getting ready to CAMPFIRE!!!


the campfire

the firewks tt nite.i only managed to capture one all thnks to be my laggy fone.


a rumour was passed down sayin tt dere's no sch on mon.which was tot ally untrue.

the wood fell

AND then half way started pouring!!!hahas.1st time ever.
rain half way through.waitin for instructions frm e trainers.

under my umbrella-ella -ella eh-eh

on our way to the shelter.and rain pouring still.

yays!! i love RAIN!

head counting after getting shelter.the whole 700 cohort in that shelter.amazing.

in e end everyone was tired and it was super late already and den everyone didnt bathe at all tt nite and went to bad wet.but e girls slept in e resort's multi purpose rm:DD got aircon!!! hahas.cos rainin so no tent slping:)joy to the world.

waitin to b assigned to our plc in e multi-purpose rm.the 7 fairies!
paiseh.never take properly.
face was terribly painful and dere was this girl who went all the way up to take sum aloe vera gel and came down agn to the toilet to let me apply.she said it was really gd.thx alot whoever you are!!it was pretty effective.really.
n i realized i was flooded in e toilet.AHHH.

slept at 12.30 n woke up at 5 bintan time.and felicia woke up at 4 bintan time agn!gosh.

gdbye bintan!saiyonara

kept the tents and was waitin for the buses.

112 was split up agn.we were bk to e wave 1 grp.but now called wave 2.
den we were further splited up in twos and threes in to diff buses to e n nan got on to e laz bus and was on e bus with rin zac n addy n one more trainer.den rin asked if i prefered kota tinggi or bintan.of cos my ans was kota tinggi,i mean e toilet in bintan really spoilt everyhting.hahas.but after thinkin a while..actually e bintan one was actually a pretty cool camp felt like a tour.just tt e accomodation wasnt really gd tts all.really love the activities.VERY unique too.dere are some vryt gd firewks,campin at e resort,gala dinner,campfire on e beach.and e guest of honour was e indonesian tourism board person.both had their vry own gdness.hahas.shld hv thot a lil longer b4 answerin.anw.den rin was tellin e other 3 trainers abt e camps me n rin shared.hahas.guides den kota tinggi den now jc le ag.apparently zac was also at e kota tinggi wonder he seem a lil familiar.hahas.den zac was sayin e other time he went to e night safari den he ask sum zoo person abt e stuff on e map.den after introducing e night safari e zoo person asked if he was zac.hahas.apparently he was his camp trainer bk at sch reminiscing.the flashback will start at these moments.
when i held my light sticks n wore my pe attire and lina's shoes..
seriously.n when i threw the shoes away and ...
anw.den we learnt e whole version of yipoh ee taitai on e bus.realli funny:)
chldnt wait to teach the other fairies... :))
den after tt many ppl slept e whole 2 hrs journey frm e resort to the terminal.half way bus two tyres punctured.hahas.hahahhaas.imagine if sherman was inside tt one..(sherman as in not bubbly,another sherman)
den reunited with the 7 fairies at the glad.den continued to irritate theresa with yipoh yi tai tai.hahas.
had much fun in e ferry bk to sg.cos theresa hv sea sick so we decided to high and distract her so tt she wont feel unwell.e singing cum cheerin session was strted by 112!!! hahas.anw.rmb e song,"there was a stream.just a tiny lil stream.and the stream was on its way~and e moon shines high in e clear blue sky and all was bright n gay..."rmb???den u continue e song by addin stuff in?one grp of guys added a boy,den a girl,den a boy it turned out e boy was on e girl n e girl was on e boy.hahahas.CHAO farnie de.hahahs.den ltr zac added a e cow was on e boy and e boy was on e girl and e girl was on e boy.den ltr zac was added n after tt e whole thing went."there was a rin,just a tiny lil rin,and e rin was on e zac n e zac was one cow and e cow was on e boy n e boy was on e girl and e girl was on e boy n e boy was on e rock n e rock was on e stream and e stream was on its way~and e moon shines high in e clear blue sky and all was bright and gay..."
and den we also learnt sum special handshake thingy:) NAN!!! my partner:))IPOH IPOH TAITAI

melted gummies rawk

i love melted gummies

we love melted gummies

feasting on melted gummies

how much left

at LJS after camp

on e ferry.frm e right,rin,felicia,nanthinii,ME,theresa,linying,yilin and e yellow guy whose name i forgotten den zac in orange :)

LJS for lunch.was pretty boring la here.everyone was tired.linying kongjian felicia shawn jane vicknesh nanthinii ferry.

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