Thursday, September 8, 2011

New School, New Friends, New Environment

Entering my Junior College allowed me to learnt many things about myself.
gave me many deep self-thinking-reflecting sessions.

One of the things that i came to realise about myself is that.
1) I am a pretty slow learner
    Hence, i cannot understand things that are being taught in class,when i'm in class.
    I really gotta spend extra & more time than others to really study & analyse what the teacher taught.

2) Any degree of multi-tasking won't do for me.
   100% focus. 
   (it's not smth that i figured out only in JC but i learnt how much multi-task is a big NONO to me)

 3) I have a very short attention span.
     I cannot last 3hours studying like normal people do.
     I am SO SPECIAL. I end up spending a whole day on A subject.
     cos of the in between mini-breaks.

4) My memory is deteriorating.
    i can hardly remember anything in my daily life accurately.
    What more, what i studied?
    = more revision time is needed.

Leaving my JC allowed me to realise what amazing people i HAD around me.

Now then i appreciate what i took for granted last year.
The tolerance they always had when explaining certain concepts.
Knowing how weak and slow yet slowly teaching me.
& making sure that i REALLY understand :')

Thank you PSM, JOJO & PAPAYA <3

I don't think i'm that stupid,
just slow.
thick in the head.(& also other parts of my curvy body)
That's all.

It's difficult for me when my new friends talk to me in lecture cos i can't multi-task.
If i talk to you, i will totally not absorb what the lecturer said for the past few seconds or minutes thinking of what to say to you, how to ans your qstn, worrying what i'd missed.
I know it's something so simple, yet i'm having problems handling it!!
it's ridiculous.
But i just can't help it!

And when they ask me questions on the subject,
i feel worse.
cos i really can't answer them.
bcos i feel like i understand LESS than you.
& i'm just too embarrassed to explain why.
& it sucks when they ask me questions too.
It makes me feel like i'm not thinking.
Sometimes if you can't even understand the basic concepts well,
you can't even think of how to answer class exercises.
cos you are just totally CLUELESS.


i'm sorry if i WILL be busy.
cos i really have to get all these done WELL.
i don't wanna look back & sigh.

i just gotta learn to be faster AND BETTER even if i'll take the more jerky & long path.

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