Thursday, September 22, 2011

School ended at 6.30pm and i immediately chiong-ed to town when class ended.
It was worth the rush.
cos i made in time to catch Chalet Girl at 7.20pm :)

It was great.
I know the story might be unrealistic or whatever
but it definitely did not fail in making my heart melt
and hope it is REAL.
It's like the best job ever to be a chalet girl.

Was telling Xinmin how i wish i get landed with such a job and meet a rich good looking dude.
She was more sensible and told me if i knew this is NEVER gonna happen.
All i could was just sigh.
Well, she was RIGHT.
Hoping really hurts.

& the scenery is LIKE AWESOME.
Can't help but wanna learn how to snow board and to be in the FREEEEZING COLD.
I guess i'll start dressing in comfy, snuggly cold (rainy) wear for this coming week.

One of my favourite scenes below :)

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