Saturday, December 31, 2011


Was in Bangkok over the Xmas hols;)

Hmm.. Nth much to talk about it honestly.
Can't say it's completely awesome or absolute hell.
Just a mixture of awesomeness n frustrations? Up n downs.. You know what I mean..
Nth can be perfect.
At least there used to be perfect times for me. But nvr anymore.

Idk. Lately I can get freaking pissed off. And i can't tell if it's my fault or others. Damn my temper.

But I gotta say...

There sure are much much more good-looking peeps over there. GYABO! After seeing(frequently)so many good-looking people leading normal lives, taking trains n walking around. It seems that it's really Singapore that lack pretty people. Pathetic. Hais.. No wonder singapore fans are so clingy eh? Cos Singapore really lack of it. And they know how to dress up too!! Most of the people in town really dress up. Not in the over-the-top lady gaga kinda way but looking or good and KAKOII!! Haha! unlike Singapore......... I shan't say more.

Best way to find yourself a handsome dude?


Another thing to comment on is that the beverages over there generally seem a tat too sweet. Eek. But they do taste good. If only it's nt that sweet. They have more interesting foodie in sg though *slurpslurp ^^


All in all.
I think I still prefer touring european countries?
Stress free fantasy~^^
You are making me feeling all feisty inside.
Do you even know that?

Whenever it comes to this kinda situation it makes me all frustrated.
Why do I see myself sacrificing MY own family time to make way for yours?
Bloody hell.

If you really wanna see me,make it a point to free yourself and then come and see me.
I'm sick and tired of all these delays or last minute cancellations.
Isn't it dumb to put in all the effort and time planning and in the end you fucking forget about it all?


Life do suck.

So,please,just show me I mean something to you.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Time.

Yess, i know it's 5 in the morning.


I've been thinking of getting a better cam.
Something good enough and idiot-proof:)
So a point-and-shoot is most suitable.
Thus, was researching on cams since 1.
Initially was thinking of nana's Canon Powershot S95
But it IS a lil too ex eventhough the reviews are awesome

Anw i came across a Nikon that seems to be not bad too.
Of cos i believe not as awesome but pretty close
And it's 100 bucks cheaper.
& i guess Nikon is a good brand for cams, right?

i'm aiming for a Nikon Coolpix S9100
hope i can get it
And at a good price:)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Change.

Specially for the upcoming hols,

Rachel's got new RED tresses ;)

say 'hi' to them, ya?

Feeling like a hayley.

Feels like a bomb before explosion.

Next time I'll be braver, 
I'll be my own saviour, 
Standing on my own two feet.

Need to start singing.
Need to start reading between the lines of the songs.
Need to start to be independent. Depend on me and only me alone.
Need to start striving for my future.


I know the new year is around the corner,
and it's time for changes.
Changes for the better.

But i just can't help but notice myself changing.
Without myself controlling them at all.
And i have no idea why.

But somehow,
deep down,
i don't think it's for the better..

I embrace you, 2012.

The new year is coming.
So it's time to change for the better.
& get a new diary.

Got myself a new diary/organiser.
This year, i gotta really make full use of my planner and make sure it does organise my life.
Yes, i've been having/using a planner ever since what? P6?
The year where i tried to set my life straight.

My organisers have played a pretty big part in my life.
They walked with me throughout my life through thick and thin..
You can say they are all my BFFs.
And i had to let them go at the end of the year in search for a brand new one.
i'm sorry about that.
Gotta admit that throughout these years, i have using them for a wrong reason.
I no longer really use them to keep my life in shape
but rather use them to doodle or scribble my current feelings randomly on any page.
Or to jot down or paste things that remind me of special events that happened.

But this coming year.
I gotta make sure i get my life back on track.
Keep Focus.
Prioritise what is more important.
Think about your future.
Think long term.

Really like my new organiser.
Even though it's a little too tiny and pretty costly,
i absolutely LOVE the graphics :)
Artsy-Fartsy ;D

Enjoy :]

This kinda look like lady gaga to me,,, haha.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Okay, I know, it has been

But it's either laziness or my life is simply jus not exciting enough. So, sorry folks.hehe. I guess I'm pretty boring.

Anw, this week has been pretty or really exciting I should say? Actually planned to shop at Queensway on monday for a new pair of shoes but I ended up hopping over to Godma's and even stayed over for a night:)

Spent the whole day and night playing Karin's awesome card/board games. Haha. Totally a settler's club over there. Hees.

Was supposed to have class in tues de. But last minute cancelled:) I bet most ppl wouldn't see it as a happy thing cos everyone are hardworking people, except for me.haha.

So had zichar dinner with Godma family n my family:) awesome much. And I probably can follow them to sydney in feb.hopefully I can! So I intend to mug really hard from now on so I won't be missing out much. And must start extreme dieting too!!

Went out yesterday with Godma n karin again. Awesome shopping at orchard;) bought 2 tops from F21.hoho.dinner at watami was fantastic too;) buying much stuff from F21 lately. Not bcos I like it. But cos they are the cheaper substitutes for the clothes that I like. If I've got the money I wldnt hv spent money there at all. Zara is my paradise.

Today,totally look like some fat pregnant woman in the morning. Cos since I will be going home during my 4hours between class break I heck cared. But felt rather no confident de. Sudden outbreak of painful acne, ugly black roots much exposed, fat and fair flabby arms, clipped up fringe and big black tote that when combined together with my brown baggy ragged top make me look friggin pregnant?!? In fact I'm surprised no one offered me a seat on the train. Yes, the damn trains in singapore where everyone snatches the damn seats. SERIOUSLY?! the seats ain't gold-plated or weight-losing.WTS?!

Couldn't stand the way I looked so I took out my shades and hide behind them all the way home.

Headed home today to doll up;) cos will be attending a ballet in the evening right after sch today. The nutcracker. Although I don't like the fact that it is Chinese/Asian- themed.*roll eyes. Hope it'll be awesome enough to make me nt mind the special theme. Zzz. But still exciting:D ;D

So today marks the first time I wear heels to sch. Hees. I was always afraid that people will be like,"WTS, come sch also wear heels..." I mean it's natural,we tend to stereotype these ppl as bitches but.. Sometimes but also rise up to occasion ma hor? Hees. Afterall I dont think I walk awkwardly in heels after much practice thru the sat few months:)

Tomorrow, Godma and family will be coming over fr dinner:) we making sushi:) dad's thinking of getting a Xmas tree from ikea. Can't wait to let the nostalgic scent of pine be immersed into our home again;) hees.

And I wanna do my hair SOON!

Wasn't able to study much and furthermore will be away to THAILAND-BANGKOK in 1&1/2week later? MUG!

Excited for the Bangkok trip much. In fact it doesn't matter where I go,as long as I go on a holiday,I am a happy girl:)
Shopping trip sia. Have been wanting to go Bangkok shopping since a million years ago. Gonna buy buy buy!! Be jealous,bitches.

Even though the timing are always not right.but I shall still make it work out.why didn't all these opportunities came during my 8month long holidays?! I was like friggin stuck in singapore?!?!??!? But still better than not going at all:) 知足.

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's Friday again.

Yup, reporting to you from econs lecture again. Idk why but seriously Katherine always skipping lessons and getting very late for class is getting on my fucking nerves.

I wanna go home:(

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Last Wednesday with one lecture.

And rkry decided to pon school today.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

It was Friday.

Now, I'm sitting alone in the middle of Econs lecture blogging. Yep. I even wanted to pon this class.

Firstly: Having a churning tummy since yesterday night and went to the ladies thrice throughout the day. This factor caused me to feel even more reluctant to go for classes today.

Secondly: Katherine pon class again :( And hence Rachel is being a loner in the LT. She needed to go collect her SNSD concert tix. Oh bother.

Thirdly: Mr Ting is only going through tutorials. Which is honestly a waste of time for me. Cos I didn't do it(yes,slap me) and now,half an hour left and I see that he would not be touching theory at all. I SHOULD REALLY HAVE RAN HOME! The 2 persons beside me already left during the break. I'm still persevering(?) down here.

Sigh. The pathetic life of a lazy girl.

Anyway, had lunch at Everything With Fries @ Holland V with xm love;) the food was not totally awesome. But still not bad. Very filling. Couldn't finish the fries. I think the desserts are more tempting. But didn't get to try.cos main entree was alr not vry cheap so decided to forgo.

Sat throughout the whole 3 hours and thank god. He went through topic 7 theory;)

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Sorry peeps,

But Running Man is totally turning me into an OTAKU!!
Totally glued to it.

OMG. Whole day thinking about running man and just want to watch it whole day.
Everything Running Man!

& JaeSuk too^^
Monday couple~

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gonna Get Over You - Sara Bareilles

Should be sayin' that to you by now, shouldn't I?
Layin' down the law that I live by,
Though maybe next time

I've got a thick tongue,
Brimming with the words that go unsung
Simmer then the burn for a someone,
A wrong one

And I tell myself to let the story end,
My heart will rest in someone else's hand
My 'why not me?' philosophy began,
And I say

Ooh, how'm I gonna get over you?
I'll be alright, just not tonight
Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay
I'll be alright, just not tonight,

Maybe is a vicious little word that can slay me
Keep me when I'm hurting and make me,
Hang from your hands

Well, no more,
I won't beg to buy a shot at your back door
If I make it at the thought of you, what for?
It's not me anymore

And I'm not the girl that I intend to be,
I dare you darling, just you wait and see
But this time not for you but just for me,
And I say

Ooh, how'm I gonna get over you?
I'll be alright, just not tonight
Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay
I'll be alright, just not tonight,

I stand corrected,
I know too well
And now it's much too late for you for me as far as I can tell,
Oh I say, oh yeah, yeah, yeah

Ooh, how'm I gonna get over you?
I'll be alright, just not tonight
Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay
I'll be alright, just not tonight,
Should be sayin' that to you by now, shouldn't I?
Layin' down the law that I live by,
Though maybe next time

I've got a thick tongue,
Brimming with the words that go unsung
Simmer then the burn for a someone,
A wrong one

And I tell myself to let the story end,
My heart will rest in someone else's hand
My 'why not me?' philosophy began,
And I say

Ooh, how'm I gonna get over you?
I'll be alright, just not tonight
Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay
I'll be alright, just not tonight,

Maybe is a vicious little word that can slay me
Keep me when I'm hurting and make me,
Hang from your hands

Well, no more,
I won't beg to buy a shot at your back door
If I make it at the thought of you, what for?
It's not me anymore

And I'm not the girl that I intend to be,
I dare you darling, just you wait and see
But this time not for you but just for me,
And I say

Ooh, how'm I gonna get over you?
I'll be alright, just not tonight
Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay
I'll be alright, just not tonight,

I stand corrected,
I know too well
And now it's much too late for you for me as far as I can tell,
Oh I say, oh yeah, yeah, yeah

Ooh, how'm I gonna get over you?
I'll be alright, just not tonight
Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay
I'll be alright, just not tonight,

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Breakeven - The Script

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in
Cos I got time while she got freedom
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even

Her best days will be some of my worst
She finally met a man that's gonna put her 1st
While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and your ok
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces

They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding
Cos she's moved on while I'm still grieving
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven

What am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you
What am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and your ok
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
(One still in love while the other ones leaving
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven)

You got his heart and my heart and none of the pain
You took your suitcase, I took the blame.
Now I'm tryna make sense of what little remains
Cos you left me with no love, no love to my name.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in
Cos I got tI'me while she got freedom
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even

What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you
What am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and your ok
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
(One still in love while the other ones leaving
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven)

Math Poems. LOL.

He’s teaching her arithmetic,
Because it is his mission.
He kissed her once, he kissed her twice
and said, “Now, that’s addition.”
As he added smack by smack
In silent satisfaction,
She sweetly gave the kisses back
and said, “Now, that’s subtraction.”
Then he kissed her, she kissed him,
Without an explanation,
And both together smiled and said,
“Now, that’s multiplication.”
Then Dad appeared upon the scene and
Made a quick decision.
He kicked the boy out of the house
And said, “Now, that’s division!”

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Something For Lina LOVE



A mixed up, jumbled up mess

Was out practically the whole day yesterday.

10.30 am: Brunch with Xinmin and Na.
3.30pm: Den school.
7.30pm: Dinner with the Porks.
11.20pm: Home at last.

Surprisingly, the best part of the day was at school.
Had some small talk with KatKat.(Kit Kat)

Was like talking about friendship relationship stuff and i just couldn't help but agree more.

She did mention that sometimes,
when you start getting closer to someone(friend),
you just can't help but feel possessive over him/her.
That's just because you really care for what you share.
But many a times, it just seems like a one-sided thing.
Cos you will just end up expecting that person to this or that.
Treasure that relationship you THOUGHT you have,
when actually you don't.
(Yup! 2-faced Deep-Shits. Cos to me,
even if it's not what i wish to hear. )
And it's not exactly their fault to be insensitive or careless.
It's your fault for just putting too high hopes on them.

She did also mention that, yes, it's just friendship only.
And you just can't help but fell hurt in the end.

So her conclusion was to not have too close friends
in order to protect herself from all the one-sided hurt.
it's practically a win-lose situation where the other party takes it all
while you on the other hand loses every. single. thing.

But the ultimate question is..
Is it worth the pain?
Are they worth it?

When you start thinking about it,
from all the past experimenting,
they usually, most of the time, don't deserve all these sacrifices.

cos i happen to read this somewhere:

If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Don't bother reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay.

So in reply to this quote,
I will not make the effort to those who i made an effort to,
but did not do the same in return.
I've got to learn to love myself more.
Cos some people just wouldn't appreciate those unspoken gestures.
And they would never do so much for you.
& they'll just never understand.
i should just invest THAT wasted effort on someone else,
somebody else whom i believe would value it.

So from now on guys,
I'm just gonna simply ask you for the sake of politeness.
I'll not harbour any hope for anything else MORE than that.
Don't feel pressured or obliged to do so without even WANTING to.
It's your life, your choice.
and mine.

It's funny why i am so vexed by all these kinda chummy issues when others my age are fussing over their love lives.

Monday, October 3, 2011

PORKIES, i'm losing you :'(

It's been slightly more than a week since i last blogged.
And i blog-hopped to sandy,nana and ah no's blogs.

Just reading their posts make me miss them all a lot.
& it made me realised it's been MONTHS since we hung out TOGETHER.
all 5 of us.
& it made me really sad.

we're all busy with our own lives and just can't find a time whr we can all go mad like we used to before.
Where are the lost laughs?
in fact,
Where have we all gotten to?

i really REALLY miss the times man!
When can we finally meet up..

We gotta find time and hang out FUCKING soon! :(

Can you believe it?
That was what i believe as the last meet up we had tgt.
with all 5 of us.
and that's all!
& sandy didn't even stayed with us through out :/

take it, take it all, take all that i have
i'd give it all away just to get you back
fake it, fake it, i'll take what i can get
knocking so loud can you hear me yet?

Friday, September 23, 2011

There's always a FIRST to everything.

Today is friday.

& my timetable is somewhat.. sucky.
on fridays.
So it's not TGIF for me.
It's more of like WGIFA.
(Why,God,It's Friday Already!?)

Let me tell you why.
On fridays,
I have to wake up at 6.
& reach school by 8.30am.
This class ends at 11.30am.
BUT next class starts at 15.30.
dunno how to spend that 4hours.

So today,
i intended to stay in sch for THAT 4 hours
BUT i intended not to.
cos i nearly fell asleep during my morning class
& i needed to hype up myself.
OR the aftnn class will be another HELL.

So i hopped on the bus to west mall.
AND i finally got to have lunch alone :D
I know, to many of  you out there,
lunching alone is like for loners and outcasts or whatever.
But to me,
it's kinda enjoyable?
& it made me feel independent.
After experiencing many disappointments when it comes to finding people to simply hang out with,
it made me wanna learn how to not rely on people.
if i can do it alone, why not?

& from time to time,
i've actually grown to enjoy n like it :)
It feels challenging in a way and after finally conquering that obstacle,
you just can't help but feel satisfied with yourself :)

today i went to eat pastamania's MEATBALLS for lunch.
was craving for that ever since katherine ate it like nxt to me.
Like piping hot, AND NXT TO ME!
So i succumbed to my temptations n had that for pastamania to lunch alone:)
couldn't help but notice a few peeps looking at me eating alone.
& i felt pleased.

After the lunch, i took my back pack n headed to jurong point.
n bought the lip stain that i've been wanting for sooo long.
n that eye make up base.
They freaking totalled up to 40+
but i couldnt get them off my mind so i jus got it.

Next, i wanted to go to the bank to change my addy
but the Q was neverending and i didn't wanna waste my time Q-ing.
So i jus went to get hair removal cream ;)
WHICH YIZHEN & LIYUN tempted me to do it.

i guess lately i've been pretty flamboyant.
easily influenced by my new friends which is BAD!!
but my leg hair have always been a eye sore so..
i jus spent another 11 bucks.


Anw, i shopped around and found FAB ex necklaces THAT I WANT.
n XM said she's gonna spend 40bucks on me for xmas n i get to choose ANYTHING.
Even drugs or condoms.
okay. i was kidding.


they got sale too 3 at the price of 2.
So Yup!

Will be seeing her for the second time this week tmr.
Gonna go SIM open house, THEN, movie again..

Headed back to sch for aftnn class and attended lecture alone.
Cos katherine was sick today.
can't help but admit..
it's much better to study w/o her.

n i shaved my legs! (another FIRST)
they are now smooth n bare.
well, at least FOR NOW.

but if i were to watch friends with benefits alone
i think the ticket person will think i'm sick or horny..
should i even CARE?!

nice Peanuts?

Today, Daddy fetched me home from school :D
Saving her dear daughter from the evening public transport SQUEEZE xS
On our way back,
he told me he spotted one of his directors sitting in a wet market ,somewhere in the west,
eating peanuts.
With his wife and talking with the shopkeeper.
All these during office hours.

He totally stunned when he saw dad. HAHA.
n dad wanted to ask him, "Why? The peanuts here good ah?" 
But of cos he saved his own ass and just said hi. HAHA.

Hope the colour and font size helps :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A doggy question.


My reliable walking animal DIC.
Please tell me what breed is this cute little fluffy thingy<3?

This is FUNNY.

Becky's followup

Remember this comic strip?
Becky created a PART 2 to it.
Lame shit.

My new guiders.

Just gotta say that having good teachers REALLY makes a difference.
I didn't like ANY of my teachers in my JC.
Well, at least none that taught me.
Just felt too restricted.

However i kinda like my new lecturers:)
They somehow can manage to make me motivated to study :)
At least i dont exactly see studying so much of a PAIN now.

jus an interesting puzzle by my math lecturer :) HAHA.

Dearest Daddy's Favourite Plant

Dad was telling me how cool his plant is.

Not only does the leaves curl and straighten out from time to time,
Their flowers are interesting too.

My Dearest Daddy

Daddy's birthday is round the corner.

& we have no idea what to get him (as usual)
We only decided on the cake.
Which is Blackforest Cake (as usual)

& prolly some durian puffs to go along with it.

But anw,

dad's a little goofy lately.
The other day,
he hopped into our room and modelled in MY WATCH.
Then, he went returned the watch to out dressing table
AND brought over my PERFUME and BANGLES to play with bex.

He asked becky to hold the perfume bottle and he tried to aim and throw my bangles into it.

Another day of his lame acts.

My new TOY!! :D

I needed a normal calculator for my new school.
& i refuse to bring the big and hideous one we have that mum always uses.
So... this started.

Becky helped me ask daddy. The 3rd mushy bubble is FROM BECKY. NOT ME! xD

Day 2

So, i reminded him again.. Being myself.

But! Dad being Dad, didn't bring it home that night.

So, that brings us to the 3rd day..
Thru cheeky becky again..

He even attempted to change the subject.

And it resulted to me becoming a sicko. But it's okay.. 
Cos in the end, he bought me this!

A brand new RED HOT calculator!! hehe..


Thanks to Katherine,
(For those of you,practically all except PSM, who dunno who is she)

I am addicted to online shopping.
I know I know *holds up hand
I'm like a little slow in catching this ADDICTION.
But i used to believe in seeing and touching the product,
BEFORE eventually deciding whether i should buy it.
& all the cheap clothes at bugis are from online shops.
I hardly can fit into any with my BALLOONY body!
but somehow,
there are some online that caught my eye and i decided to grab them.
PLUS, looking at the price..
i just gave in.

So far, i've recieved my nail stickers and first batch of clothes and
I'm actually pretty satisfied with them. Considering the price and everything.

WHEE~ i am happy. *dance around

But was walking in town after the movie ytd and i saw all the new season clothings and i was like..

hello fashion 18 Hellooo fashion collage! ( 17 photos)

but as always, i'm gonna wait till the eoy sales..
not working=can't afford better clothes.

Lesson learnt: wait till the autumn/winter season to get your clothes.

It's like seriously!!
I've been dreaming of such clothes in the summer season?!

Was also hoping to influence xinmin to dress up by opening her eyes to all these wonderful creations(clothes)
Cross our fingies.

XM: "Can you imagine me in this?" (not the first time she asked me that)
ME: "If only i have your size, your kinda body, you would have spotted me in all kinds of clothings."

So Xinmin, i was serious!Don't be daft, YOU ARE NOT FAT. And you'll definitely look good in all those clothes! SO, GO GIRL!

School ended at 6.30pm and i immediately chiong-ed to town when class ended.
It was worth the rush.
cos i made in time to catch Chalet Girl at 7.20pm :)

It was great.
I know the story might be unrealistic or whatever
but it definitely did not fail in making my heart melt
and hope it is REAL.
It's like the best job ever to be a chalet girl.

Was telling Xinmin how i wish i get landed with such a job and meet a rich good looking dude.
She was more sensible and told me if i knew this is NEVER gonna happen.
All i could was just sigh.
Well, she was RIGHT.
Hoping really hurts.

& the scenery is LIKE AWESOME.
Can't help but wanna learn how to snow board and to be in the FREEEEZING COLD.
I guess i'll start dressing in comfy, snuggly cold (rainy) wear for this coming week.

One of my favourite scenes below :)

I'll Be Waiting

There's this new song that i'm into for the past one week or so..
It's a pretty old song, not a hit. But it definitely did HIT me :)

The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift, Album: Fearless

He is sensible and so incredible
And all my single friends are jealous
He says everything I need to hear and it's like
I couldn't ask for anything better

He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says, you look beautiful tonight
And I feel perfectly fine

But I've been screamin' and fightin'
And kissin' in the rain
And it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name
You're so in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you

Breakin' down and comin' undone
It's a roller-coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you

He respects my space and never makes me wait
And he calls exactly when he says he will
He's close to my mother
Talks business with my father
He's charming and endearing, and I'm comfortable

But I've been screamin' and fightin'
And kissin' in the rain
And it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name
You're so in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you

Breakin' down and comin' undone
It's a roller-coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you

He can't see the smile I'm fakin'
And my heart's not breakin'
'Cause I'm not feelin' anything at all

And you were wild and crazy
Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated
Got away by some mistake and now

I'll be screamin' and fightin'
And kissin' in the rain
It's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name
I'm so in love that I acted insane
And that's the way I loved you

Breakin' down and comin' undone
It's a roller-coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you

And that's the way I loved you
I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you

I would DIE to experience love like this.
Just that if i die i wouldn't be able to experience anything at all.
Crap. wts am i talking about.
But no. NEVER experience any love at all.
I just gotta learn how to WAIT.
I will wait for that day then huh?:')

Let's just hope that the wait is worth it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sometimes, when a house is too perfect, it doesn't feel like a home.

Sometimes i feel like:
Opportunity cost for MUGGING HARD TODAY:

 miss out dinner with the PORKS :(

Sometimes some stuff make you feel pretty useless
Even though it's pretty FUNNY..

But when you feel that you are useless,...
you actually ain't.
Cos you might have something that you are good at..

OR There's at least one more thing...

Chanced upon this yesterday.
I guess Noren can't name her shop this in the future anymore:'(

But the name card is cool.
it's transparent :)


Captured these yesterday. Was waiting for bus 61 for like 20mins and there was still no sign of it.
Hence i decided to cross over to take a bus to clementi mrt.
Then there was this JAM that made a 10min ride into another 20-25 min bus ride.

the sky was really dark at 7 yea? <=)

When i was omw to sch ytd.
THERE was this pervertic middle aged man!!
he kept staring at me sia!
walao shock tio.
totally freaked me out
initially i thot he was peeping at what i was doing on my phone sia.
and the way he stand was like weird only.
as in he was i was leaning against the window (i was in the cabin that is fully for standing passengers)
den he was standing nxt to me standing 90deg to the window facing me.
den i glanced up at me a few times den he pretend look away.
den later i start to take notice of his actions
and he glanced me up n down SIA!!!
i was wearing this conservative longsleeved thick dress
and my boobies look small in this dress sia!
when i alight at jurong east to change train.
i tried to see if he's anywhr to be seen while waiting for the train
n i was relieved he was gone
but when i entered the train then i realised he was queuing at the same entrance somewhr behind me
den its like he stood nxt to me n continue staring sia
conservative outfit yo!
i frowned at him he still look
so i just walk away to the next cubicle
(&we alighted at the same station somemore.suay!)
thank you lina for the thoughtful &special aussie gifts <3


Thank You Lina Tay.

idk, but lovely girl,
lately, you've always been the one that i can rely on
- most of the time.

& jus wanna say thanks for everything.
Even if it's the smallest n tiniest,
Or even the simplest of things,
It was not taken for granted.
I appreciated them all.